Signage Projects

On Sunday, February 3, the teen artists spent quite a bit of time with Rebecca Carter discussing ideas for their upcoming signage projects. As requested, the teen artists provided photographs of signage they each came across in the past week. Spending the first part of class narrowly focusing on the signage present in the photographs really got things in gear. The relationships between image and text, the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated words, and the effectiveness of fonts and typographic choices became the conversation for the day.

Rebecca then began a brainstorming session with the teen artists to assist them in formulating their projects. The projects are concerned with creating some form of signage that conveys a social, political, or even ecological message. The signage project will be associated with MAP—Make Art with Purpose—an art organization that promotes positive environmental and social change.

After hearing the kinds of messages the teen artists wanted to convey, she helped guide them toward an executable form and encouraged further thought and exploration.

To help the teen artists toward their goals, Rebecca provided information on selecting fonts and making typographic choices, as well as a brief tutorial on combining photographs using Adobe Photoshop.

To finish up for the day, Rebecca continued to help the teen artists brainstorm ideas for their project.