Thank you for supporting the Modern.
Please donate today.
Please consider a contribution to our Annual Fund in support of the Museum's exhibition and education programs. You and your family will have a permanent place in the history of the Modern and our gratitude for your support. The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth is a unique cultural institution. The Museum is a multifaceted venue, featuring various types of artistic media. Throughout the year, thousands of people gather here to tour the exhibition galleries, watch films in the auditorium, and attend musical and dance performances. Thousands of children and adults also participate in a variety of educational programming. Without the contributions from individuals, corporations, foundations, and government agencies, these programs and events would not be possible.
You may donate online by clicking here.
For more information, please call 817.840.2150 or email
Your Annual Fund contribution is tax-deductible. Your donation will be acknowledged by an immediate email receipt, followed by a letter from the Modern within two weeks of your online transaction.