A Man and a Woman

- Wednesday February 14, 2024 2:00 PM
Claude Lelouch, 1966
102 minutes; French with English subtitles
“Style is everything in Lelouch's romantic melodrama, one of the 1960s most popular international hits, due to the music and chemistry between the glamorous Anouk Aimée and the sexy Trintignant, both at their peak.” —Emanuel Levy
After an accidental meeting a widow (Anouk Aimée) and widower (Jean-Louis Trintignant) find their relationship developing into love, though their past tragedies are difficult to overcome.
Indulge yourself with a series featuring many of “My Favorite Films” including tales of romance, humor, suspense, satire, and heroism. Organized by Auditorium Manager Tina Gorski, a lifelong movie lover, the films in this series may hold special memories for you: no matter how many times you see them, they continue to draw you in one more time. The series features films since 1945. While many of these films are available through streaming, it’s always more fun to see them in the theater.
Make a day of it at the Modern and include extra time to visit the galleries and our special exhibitions. Enjoy lunch in Café Modern and then settle in for an afternoon screening, or plan for a coffee break afterwards with fellow film enthusiasts.
Screenings are at 2 pm most Wednesdays in the Modern’s auditorium. Tickets are $5 (FREE for Modern members), available at the museum’s admission desk. Click here to purchase tickets online.