Modern Kids - Summer Flicks: Selected Short Films

- Wednesday August 07, 2019 11:00 AM
- Wednesday August 07, 2019 2:00 PM
- Thursday August 08, 2019 11:00 AM
- Thursday August 08, 2019 2:00 PM
Take a break from the Texas heat for Modern Kids — Summer Flicks! Share the art of the screen with your children as they watch stories unfold and ideas form in delightful and innovative films. The bonus for seeing these films at the Modern is the opportunity to visit the galleries before or after and experience the wonder of the paintings, sculptures, installations, and videos throughout the museum, including those in the special exhibitions Disappearing—California, c. 1970: Bas Jan Ader, Chris Burden, Jack Goldstein and David Park: A Retrospective.
Enjoy a selective slate of the best shorts from the Children's Film Festival Seattle 2019, and the Spanish-language program from the New York International Children's Film Festival.
Admission is free and open to the public. Films are shown in the Modern’s auditorium, and seating is limited to the first 250 guests. Admission to the galleries is free for film festival guests. All ages are welcome!
August 7, 11 am
Prizewinning and Audience Favorite Short Animated Films from the Children’s Film Festival Seattle 2019. 34 minutes, suitable for all ages
Dive into vibrant colors with this timeless collection of prizewinning and audience favorite animated films from the Children's Film Festival Seattle. These short films tell big stories and will take you on a trip around the world with stop-motion, hand-drawn, and other amazing animation techniques. During the program, you’ll see stories about animal friends, overcoming challenges, deep family love, and learning how to be the best you can be.
August 7, 2 pm
Prizewinning and Audience Favorite Short Live-Action Films from the Children’s Film Festival Seattle 2019. 72 minutes, for ages 8+
Get globally aware with this program of award-winning and audience favorite short live-action films from the Children's Film Festival Seattle. The young people in these films are determined to make new friends, follow their passions, and create bright futures for themselves and others. You'll hear the music of other languages in this program and realize that, despite cultural differences, kids everywhere yearn for the same things—to love, laugh, and dream the future.
August 8, 11 am
Prizewinning and Audience Favorite Short Animated Films from the Children’s Film Festival Seattle 2019. 34 minutes, suitable for all ages
Dive into vibrant colors with this timeless collection of prizewinning and audience favorite animated films from the Children's Film Festival Seattle. These short films tell big stories and will take you on a trip around the world with stop-motion, hand-drawn, and other amazing animation techniques. During the program, you’ll see stories about animal friends, overcoming challenges, deep family love, and learning how to be the best you can be.
August 8, 2 pm
For ages 8+, in Spanish with English subtitles or no dialogue.
Presented in partnership with New York International Children’s Film Festival.
Catch the best Spanish-language short films from around the world! NYICFF Viva Kid Flicks celebrates Spanish-language and Latino-themed stories in shorts films from around the globe.Can a fabled stone offer another path for Matilde’s life on her Mexican rancho? And the choices we make at mealtime sometimes have a very big impact, especially for a seemingly picky eater with a lot more on his mind in the drama from Spain, Fish. The universal language of wizards bridges cultures from the UK to Cuba in the imaginative doc Spelliasmous. With films from 6 countries, you’ll experience moving stories and hear how Spanish stories from around the world have their own distinctive flair.