From Vienna to Brotherhood

- January 6, 2018 2:00 PM
The brothers Díaz, Roberto, viola, and Andrés, cello, will be joined by husband and wife, Gary Levinson, violin, and Baya Kakouberi, piano. It is a great honor to have Roberto and Andrés Díaz return to this series. These stellar musicians will perform works of Mozart, Schumann, and Brahms. Roberto and Andrés are members of the Díaz Trio.
This concert includes Mozart's Duo for Violin and Viola in G Major. This work offers the listener an opportunity to hear the viola on an equal footing with the violin.
Schumann's Three Fantasiestücke for Cello and Piano was originally composed for clarinet and piano, but is most often heard in the arrangement for cello and piano that is scheduled for this concert.
The final work of the concert is a piano quartet which Brahms began composing as Schumann was dying. Brahms was torn between despair for his friend and love for his friend’s wife, Clara Schumann. It begins with the piano playing octaves on C. The violin, viola, and violoncello then play the first theme, consisting of two sighing gestures of a descending minor second, followed by a descending theme. This "sighing gesture" has caused some to speculate that the sighing motive is a musical utterance of the name "Clara." A romantic ending to a program that progresses from the Classical Period to the Romantic.
Tickets are available by calling 817-877-3003, online at, and at the door. For more information about this concert and the 2017-18 season, please visit the website at