Mark Bradford, Tina Knowles-Lawson, and Cleo Hill-Jackson in Conversation with Michael Auping
Art materials are always personal. We make them personal. But they are often also connected to something else. In my case, it’s community. Mark Bradford, in Michael Auping, “Working Papers,” Mark Bradford: End Papers
Artist Mark Bradford is in conversation with Michael Auping, curator of the major exhibition Mark Bradford: End Papers, which opens on March 8. For his early End Paper works, Bradford used the small, delicate curling papers he had encountered as a hairdresser in his mother's beauty salon; these breakthrough paintings launched his career. Expanding on their interview for the exhibition catalogue, Auping and Bradford will discuss Bradford's attraction to this material and the importance the End Paper paintings played in the development of his art. Joining us for this special Tuesday Evenings conversation are two of Bradford's longtime friends, Tina Knowles-Lawson, founder and artistic director of Tina's Angels, a mentorship program for young women, and Cleo Hill-Jackson, founder of the African American Cosmetologist Hall of Fame (AACHOF). Both women are former hairdressers who will share experiences from their decades in the hair salon and beyond.