A Series Conversation
Visual artists often work in series, weaving their way through threads of thought, method, and inspiration. With engaged study of the series that comprise an artist's career, the depth and breadth of one's knowledge and curiosity is enhanced. A Series Conversation takes as its mission the investigation and celebration of series within individual artists' oeuvres. Each hour-long session probes a specific series within an artist's solo exhibition on view at the Modern, inviting conversation, reflection, and connections. As the group questions and explores a chosen body of work, it does so with the knowledge and guidance of a specially-trained Modern docent. Over time, participants will become familiar with several series within the exhibition, cultivating a relationship with that artist's work that will continue to grow.
First Sunday of selected months, 1 pm
June 5, July 3, August 7
Modern Reading: Moby Dick
As the story goes, artist Frank Stella decided to read Herman Melville's 1851 novel Moby Dick after visiting an aquarium with his family and becoming intrigued with a beluga or white whale. Stella's response upon reading Melville's account of the now legendary great white, Moby Dick was a pledge to make a painting for each of Melville's 135 chapters. The Modern is showing five magnificent works from the artist's Moby Dick series in Frank Stella A Retrospective.
In response to Frank Stella's pledge, Modern Reading: Moby Dick is an opportunity to read or reread a great American novel, considering its structure and implications as both ancient myth and futuristic prophesy. Participants will be asked to purchase Melville's book and meet once a month June - September to discuss 45 chapters with each meeting to reach completion as well as visiting Frank Stella's works in the Modern's galleries - works that, while not direct responses, share the novels fascination with boundless forces.
Admission is free. Reserve a space by June 3 to receive further program details. RSVP sent to thornton@themodern.org with Modern Reading in the subject line and inclusion of how to best contact you in the body of the email.
Second Thursdays, 3-5 pm
June 9, July 7, August 11, September 8
Drawing from the Collection
Learn with local artists as they lead free, informal basic drawing classes in the galleries. This class is open to adults at all skill levels; just bring a sketchbook and pencils. Registration is not required, but a sign-in sheet is available at the information desk.
First Sundays, 2-3:30 pm
June 5 - Timothy Harding
July 3 - Lily Hanson
August 7 - Bernardo Vallarino
Modern Interpretations
In this special program designed for people within the deaf community, participants experience works of art at the Modern through intimate conversation with specially-trained docents and student-ASL interpreters. Offered the fourth Tuesday of each month, each program lasts 90 minutes and includes a gallery activity. Space is limited so please make reservations at least a week in advance by calling 817.840.2118. This free program includes admission to the galleries and all materials.
Fourth Tuesdays, 10 am
June 28, July 26, August 23
Slow Art Tour
The aim of the Slow Art movement is to break with the often frenetic pace of modern life to simply enjoy works of art in a deliberate and unhurried fashion. Slow Art at the Modern invests in this pause with a 30-minute spotlight tour focusing on one work of art. Led by a Modern docent the third Friday of each month, Slow Art at the Modern begins at 5:30 pm.
Third Fridays, 5:30 pm
June 17, July 15, August 19
Public Tours
Docents lead tours of highlights of the Modern's permanent collection and special exhibitions Tuesday through Sunday at 2 pm. A Spanish-language tour is available on the first Sunday of each month at 2 pm. A public architecture tour is offered on the first Saturday of each month at 11 am. These tours do not require prior arrangements and begin in the Museum lobby.