Stella Workshops for Adults and Teens

- September 3, 2016 10:00 AM
- September 10, 2016 10:00 AM
Stella Workshops for Adults and Teens
Members $30; Nonmembers $40
Registration is required; space is limited.
Saturdays, 10 am-5 pm
September 3 – Tile workshop with artist Cassandra Emswiler Burd Register here!
This workshop will spend the day looking at Frank Stella: A Retrospective combined with discussions on composition and patterning. The studio portion will further the discussion of compositional choices with hands on tile making/design.
September 10 – Mixed media workshop with art Timothy Harding Register here!
This workshop will spend the day looking at Frank Stella: A Retrospective combined with discussions on the material choices of the artist. The studio portion will further the discussion and participants will have a chance to experiment with a variety of media and methods of construction.
Please call 817.840.2121 for more information.