1.12.14 Day 4 with Michael Morris


This Sunday was the students’ last day with Michael Morris. The first half of class was devoted to the final edits of our videos. The editing process has been by far the lengthiest and most challenging process to date. The students had to decide how their story and plot should flow, where to make cuts, where to insert the audio, where to pull visual resources from, and how long to make their works—it is a lot to think about. For the majority of the students this was their first time making a video. We have all agreed that, after going through the entire process, we have a newfound appreciation for creators of moving images. During the second half of the class we screened each and every video. Each student bravely presented their works to their peers and, in turn, the class offered support and constructive criticism. The teens had a wonderful experience being challenged by Michael Morris. He opened our eyes to video art, and we will miss him!