Jessica Fuentes

Learn with local artists as they lead informal basic drawing classes in the galleries. This free class is open to adults at all skill levels—just bring a sketchbook and pencils. Registration is not required, but participants should sign in at the information desk. 2-3:30 pm

Kristen Cochran

Learn with local artists as they lead informal basic drawing classes in the galleries. This free class is open to adults at all skill levels—just bring a sketchbook and pencils. Registration is not required, but participants should sign in at the information desk. 2-3:30 pm

Erika Duque

Learn with local artists as they lead informal basic drawing classes in the galleries. This free class is open to adults at all skill levels—just bring a sketchbook and pencils. Registration is not required, but participants should sign in at the information desk. 2-3:30 pm

Alyssa Hawkins-Heeter

Learn with local artists as they lead informal basic drawing classes in the galleries. This free class is open to adults at all skill levels—just bring a sketchbook and pencils. Registration is not required, but participants should sign in at the information desk. 2-3:30 pm

Turtle Creek Chorale

Turtle Creek Chorale in the Grand Lobby

Preview of the holiday season concert HOME. Admission is free to the performance at the Modern. Tickets are not necessary.
"During the holidays, sometimes the only place you want to be is home.  It's the place you find love, acceptance and joy.  It can also be the place that drives you mad -- which we'll examine.  But, in the end, there's no place like home for the holidays."

Art 101

Art 101: Getting to Know the Building

April 20, 6 pm
As a benefit of your Modern membership, you are invited to complimentary Art 101 classes designed to strengthen your connection to the Modern and broaden your knowledge of modern and contemporary art and architecture.